Saturday, November 29, 2014

Bird Garden - in progress

Creating a Bird Garden

One of the many items I have noticed on the internet are painted poles and I happen to love bird houses and feeders. I decided to put the ideas together based on images I found online.

(If only mine were this fancy!  I imagine they had to paint the designs before putting the poles into the ground. I'm a bit impatient.)

 Earlier this summer I started the bird garden near the Filbert tree that hangs over the back fence line (aka Hazelnuts) While I have not finished painting the poles due to the arrival of wet, cold weather, this is a very easy project.

1. Picked a location
2. Purchased round poles ( $7 each) and quickcrete from the local hardware store
3. Placed poles and painted with primer so they would last longer (same day)
4. attached metal flashing to keep cats and squirrels from the feeders
5. started painting and attaching feeders and houses (with more to come!)

Suggestions - be sure to have various levels of plants, shrugs and trees nearby to encourage the birds. Mine like to fly from the apple tree in the center of the yard where I've attached suet to the "bird garden" to the neighbors lilac tree over-hanging the north fence to a new feeder I put in by my Japanese Maple.

To attract more birds and bees and create shade, I intend to plant another low tree or high bush in addition to the Eastern Redbud we planted this year. 

A Successful bird feeder in action! 

(As of Thanksgiving, I am filling this feeder every 3-4 days.)

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