Friday, January 2, 2015

Reflecting back on 2014 and looking forward - Happy 2015!

Looking backward and forward

2014 has been a year of big changes. We are already planning the changes for 2015 and 2016. They are going to be fun!

 Despite the freezing temps (it was 21 degrees last night), I was working on extending the bark path to the circle planter.  It also seems that my adventure with sod and grass transplants has not turned out as well as I has hoped.  One portion of the sod has sunk rather badly (this is likely because it is over an area of pond fill) and the section of transplants has just not taken. Instead we are planning to take it out and put in a colored stone design mixed with walkables like scotch moss.  This weekend I'm going out with the ladder to take photos then transfer to tracing paper and start laying out the patterns. 

These are designs called PEBBLE MOSAICS.  I'm not going to go this fancy since it requires mortar but aren't they lovely? They are great inspiration!

This year should see the addition of trees and bushes to the backyard as well as some type of fruit - perhaps grapes or even Hardy Kiwi?

We are also going to put in a green house to the west and south of the water barrels. This means moving the raised beds (and soil) and enlarging the area currently designated as the primary garden area (this area is currently having the soil prepped.)

I love this house!  But I'm also interested in building one with what is called a cold sink. (see image below) Rather than soil on the north wall like pictured below, it would be water barrels and bubble wrap and whatever else I can scout out on the internet.
Whatever we choose, it's going to have to be custom  shaped to accommodate the space. It is likely to look a bit like an "L" lying on it's side.

I hope that all of you have great plans for 2015 and will enjoy all the changes that the year will bring.

Happy Gardening!


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