Saturday, November 29, 2014

Year One - changes and improvements

While there is no doubt that a low-maintenance yard can be appealing to some and certainly at different stages in life- I like to think I'll be able to work for at least another 20+ years before I have to tone down the workload. In the meantime, so much fun creating and changing! Front yard and back yard changes since home purchase 2013


There is still lots to do! Re-level the water tanks (there was some soil compression) We hope to build a greenhouse in the next two years and enlarge the garden beds. Bamboo fencing is sitting in my living room waiting to be placed in front of the water tanks and cedar chips remain on the driveway needing to be moved somewhere in the backyard.

Below are some pre-purchase images for comparison - the firepit above is located where the pond below used to be.

 Here's hoping that next year is as successful!

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