Saturday, July 19, 2014

Putting in the sod...

Loving Sod

Today I made friends with sod.  No, today I decided I love sod.  Until now, the grass around the firepit has been transplants from other areas of the yard where grass was being removed.  This is an exhausting process of cutting out sections small enough to lift in a somewhat uniform shape. Because the bottom of the transplants were of varying heights depending on the moisture in our clay soil, (Today it's concrete, tomorrow it's mud), It was an exhausting and time-consuming process of adding or removing soil to try and get the grass at the same height. But hey it was free right?  Now sod,  get the dirt flat, fill in any uneven spots, cut where needed.  AWESOME.

I only got 4 rolls and it filled about half of the unfinished area- for some reason when the clerk said 4x2 my heat cooked brain said: oh that will cover 8 feet each.  Ya, nope.  There is now discussion of adding a brick patio area for nearby seating between the lemon balm and the rounded planter.  (not shown).  This small area was all covered in gravel surrounding the old pond so it is cement in the summer and muddy in the winter.  It may be a lot easier to put sand on it and lay brick than to try and dig into it. I also have my doubts that the sod will be able to really take root in it without a great deal of digging and new soil.
Concerns: For at least 24 hours the sod will look lovely - sadly, the temperature is in the 90's which means lots of water and it make bake it to death.  Still, given the amount of time to do the other process, I'm ok with the tradeoff. 

I think it's time to raise a toast to my personal "sod".

Happy gardening!

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